Architecture is a vast field and covers many concepts which are important to understand. In this blog Aman who is one of our architecture interior designing course students has shared his views on what is architecture really and why is it so important?
So, it’s time to explore.
Hi all, this is Aman, pursuing Architect Interior Master course at this institute. Today, I am writing this blog to answer a question that every architect has to answer. The question is “What is ARCHITECTURE?” and it’s a question that a lot of architects can’t really answer and even I don’t think I have the correct answer
It’s really a question that asks people for their opinion and honestly it’s such a big question that I feel like.
So, this is just my opinion and my version of what architecture is and I feel like a lot of you probably can answer this in a different way whether you were influenced by an architect, by a certain type of architecture that you really like or just people around you.
So, what is “Architecture” to me?
Architecture to me is an exploration of ideas
It’s a whole process of concept developing passion. It’s a type of art form that requires a lot of planning and a lot of decision making and inspiration. Inspiration can come from any place ranging from architecture that inspires you or a word that someone once said to you that kind of triggered an emotional experience.
Architecture is a structural version of art and I think there are architects out there that really understand this idea of architecture.
Real architecture speaks itself
To some people, architecture is building and basically just developing unique buildings and building more buildings. That’s fine but then I believe in architecture in a way that a building should speak for itself. Those who understood this had made world’s marvelous buildings.
- It should have a voice and that voice comes from a person or any living being going to his/her space exploring it and whether these spaces trigger a certain emotion or a certain quality that’s really interesting to you.
Architecture is a medium that is universal
It’s a language that almost everyone knows and understands because it’s all around us whether it’s a building, or it’s a part of a landscape, or a rock-climbing wall. These are architectural moments and they are everywhere.
Thus it became a very universal idea and language because people all around the world are designing and building something.
So, architecture is something that is spread across a world and everyone knows a piece of the language.
Let me give you a real world example:
If I go to another country, I don’t know their language so I can only speak few words and phrases but that’s not a case when I meet an architect of the same country. We can communicate fine even without speaking any words. We could sketch together and we could understand each other’s concepts and what we are thinking just by sketching the ideas. 🙂
Architecture is a language that people communicate with. It is not something that’s complicated; it’s something that everyone has the right to explore.
I’ll add one thing here – Anyone can be an architect. You too! Everyone is born to be a part of architect whether you are a fashion designer or an architect in fashion. You construct designs to be suited for a human body.
How does it look like to be an elite architect?
Becoming an elite architecture designer is like to become a person who wants to share something by doing so or trying to get there.
This person goes through a series of process of concept developing of designing and the final result is pretty much a building but then it’s more than just a building.
I just think architecture is really cool and if you are planning to pursue architectural diploma courses or degree programs or just study it for the hell of it because you are interested in it.
Concluding my words
If I deduce my words in one line that it is a bunch of ideas and you can sort it out and then you take this crazy almost impossible disgusting looking rough and you kind of chisel it down to a diamond.
I am sorry if I went off on a tangent to answer this question but this question really gets me thinking and motivated me in terms of reflecting on Who I am as an Architect or Who I am as an architect student and it’s a really one of the toughest questions ever on earth.
I am not saying that my answer is 100% correct but I am just saying that what I think architecture is. It is exactly what I said in this small blog about “WHAT IS ARCHITECTURE?”
I hope this blog inspires you in a way where you can view architecture, the profession, the field of study in a different way.
Let me know your views in the comment section.
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